Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had the best Mother's Day! I always look forward to the crafts the kids make for me at school. Emma painted a flower pot and planted a Marigold in it. Bodi made a picture frame. They were both so proud of the gifts and it made me so happy to see how much love they put into making them.

Amy and I couldn't figure out where to go for brunch on Sunday, so we let the kids decide...Chuck E. Cheese it was! Although it was our day, it was nice to see the kids have fun. Amy took the pictures and I'll get them loaded as soon as I get them from her. Later that evening, the Craigs came over for ribeyes and filets. After dinner, we cuddled with the kiddos for a picture, I had such a great day with our families.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

You guys all look super cute.