Sunday, March 15, 2009

Emma's 5th Birthday

Emma turned 5 on Saturday, March 14th. We can't believe how fast our baby girl is growing up. She is so excited about Kindergarten in August and is already reading and loves math. She definitely gets this from her Daddy, the smartest guy I know.

We had her party at Jump Zone, as you can see,
she had a blast!

It was tough gathering all the kids for the group
picture but we got some of them in this shot.

The Birthday Girl sitting on her throne.

Opening gifts
Later that evening - Emma blowing out her B-day candles;
she's not big on sweets so I made her a fruit bouquet. Yes, I made it :)
Emma and the balloons Nana sent her
Emma in the musical dress Kenny and PT got her.
She's also holding the Nintendo DS we got her, look at her reaction
below as she opened it. Her reaction was PRICELESS!

Happy Birthday Emma,
we love you!!!