Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time Out

The kids were crazy tonight! They both spent some time in time out but I think Bodi enjoyed it a little more than Sissy.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goofing Around

After a long day at work, it's nice coming home to the kids and just goof around.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Visit from the Phans

The Phans visited over the weekend and we had such a great time. They were kind enough to bring their Wii and I'm embarrassed to admit, we're addicted! Emma had so much fun bowling, along with playing tennis with Di Ngoc. Ty was so sweet to help Emma with her tennis stroke but she held her own with bowling. Now I know what I want for my upcoming Birthday.... hint, hint Bryan :)

We also had time to visit the pool in our neighborhood. Bodi, as always, was fearless and jumped in the pool about 100 times... good thing Uncle Thanh was there to help. Emma also showed her fearless side by swimming all by herself, with the help of floaties of course.

We also celebrated Ty's Birthday Saturday night. The kids loved the cake and we think Thanh's been working out :)

Anyway, thanks to the Phans for making the trip to NWA, we know how hard it is to travel with your family. We had such a great time with everyone. I guess it's our turn to make a trip to Dallas :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Cole

We finally got a chance to visit the Barnica's in Springfield, MO and to see Baby Cole. We can't believe he's already 4 weeks old and spoiled rotten! Melissa and Rob are the youngest and hippest Grandparents we know :) We had fun just hanging out and just enjoying the Barnica's. We did miss RJ though, as he was visiting his Grandparents.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dallas Trip

We just got back from our annual 4th of July trip to Dallas. It was great seeing the entire Truong clan, including AA. Of course, the kids had a BLAST! Bodi made his first trip to the water park and was totally fearless. We barely saw Emma over the weekend, as she played with her cousins. She also spent the night with the Starrs for the very first time. It was kind of sad when she didn't make her usual call for us to pick her up. She's getting to be such a big girl and she's ready to spend a week in Dallas without us.... we'll see!

Thanks again, to everyone, for making the trip so special. We can't wait to see the Phans in a few weeks!

Me and Ba with the grandkids.
PT with Emma, Phuong Mai, and Kennedi

Cait and Bodi

Anh with Z, Nicky, Emma, and Cait

Girls night out.... Natalie did so good!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emma Makes a Big Donation

A few weeks ago, I decided my hair was too long for the hot weather and had 11 inches cut and donated it. Emma decided she wanted to do the same, of course, we didn't think she was serious. She continued on and on for a few weeks. I then heard about an event, Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I signed her up and spent the next few weeks explaining how it would take her a long time to grow her hair back and that she would not be able to put her hair in pig-tails or even a pony tail. Bryan really tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted on helping those in need. After weeks of discussion, we decided she was ready. The big day came July 2, 2008.

Emma before the big event.

Prepping for the cut.

There were celebrities there to cut the volunteers' hair. Emma's hair was cut by the commissioner of the LPGA, Carolyn Bivens. She also got to meet LPGA star, Natalie Gulbis.

Emma had 8 inches cut, afterward, all the volunteers showed off
their new do's in a fashion show.

Of course, Daddy, Bodi, Di Amy, and Natalie came out to support Emma, we are so proud of our little girl!! She truly has a huge heart. She and I plan to donate again once we grow 8 more inches. Maybe Di Amy and Natalie can join us next year :)