Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dallas Trip

We just got back from our annual 4th of July trip to Dallas. It was great seeing the entire Truong clan, including AA. Of course, the kids had a BLAST! Bodi made his first trip to the water park and was totally fearless. We barely saw Emma over the weekend, as she played with her cousins. She also spent the night with the Starrs for the very first time. It was kind of sad when she didn't make her usual call for us to pick her up. She's getting to be such a big girl and she's ready to spend a week in Dallas without us.... we'll see!

Thanks again, to everyone, for making the trip so special. We can't wait to see the Phans in a few weeks!

Me and Ba with the grandkids.
PT with Emma, Phuong Mai, and Kennedi

Cait and Bodi

Anh with Z, Nicky, Emma, and Cait

Girls night out.... Natalie did so good!

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