Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Carnival

The kids had their Halloween carnival at school Tuesday night. Bodi went as a cow and Emma decided to be a spider. The spider costume was Bodi's from last year, we tried it on and it worked! The kids had so much fun, they had games in each classroom and of course, tons of candy. Bodi was so funny, he didn't want to go into his room and cried every time we tried to go in. I think he was afraid that we were dropping him off.
Mommy and her babies.

Emma and Bodi with their friends, sisters Caroline and Claire. Emma and Caroline have been in the same class since they were babies and now Bodi and Claire are in the same class. They are all so sweet with each other, especially Bodi and Claire.

Emma and Bodi enjoying some games.

Emma and her friend Katie.

Bodi searching for the perfect piece of candy.

The kids had a blast and we'll do it again Friday night when
they go Trick-or-Treating.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Time

The change in seasons has brought on more than cooler weather, it's brought on a range of illnesses. Emma had croup a couple weeks ago, Bodi had rotavirus last week, and now Natalie has croup. Emma recovered well and Bodi started feeling much better so we decided to buy some pumpkins today.

Bryan was so sweet with the kids, helping them pick the perfect pumpkins.

The kiddos taking a break, and they're going to need it. They have their Halloween carnival on Tuesday, the Starrs and Ngoi and Ngoi Ba coming on Thursday, Trick-or-Treating and Amy's Halloween party on Friday, and then Bodi's Birthday party (take 2) on Saturday. We can't wait to see the Starrs and Ngoi and Ngoi Ba!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bodi is TWO

Bodi turned 2 today, we can't believe how fast it's gone by. We wanted to start the day special so Bodi and Emma got M & M's for breakfast. Bodi had a birthday party at school so Sissy and Natalie's teachers allowed them to join in the fun. As you see, the kids had a blast.

After the party, the kids and I went home and played outside. Emma and Bodi decided to get the tennis rackets out and hit balls. We are definitely enjoying some outside fun before the weather gets too cold.

Emma decided to try some modeling poses, but I don't think Bodi was into it.

Later, the Craigs came over for pizza and cake.

Finally, time for presents. Bodi was "pooped" by the time we got to the gifts, so he relaxed as he opened them. He perked up when he opened the "Wonder Pets" book Sissy got him and got his second wind.

At the end of a fun-filled day, we settled down for a family photo.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Day in the Life

Bodi and Emma enjoying some Fun Dip. We try not to give the kids too much candy, so when they get it, it's a special treat.

Bodi loves his cowboy boots but didn't understand why I wouldn't let him leave the house in his boots and shorts.

The other night, Bodi decided he wanted to try to pee pee in the potty. Only problem was that he peed in our laundry hamper instead of his potty. We redirected him to the potty but he didn't do anything. It's going to be a long road....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Future Olympic Gymnast

Emma started gymnastics about a year and a half ago. At first, it was recreational. 50 minutes on Saturdays, with singing, dancing, and some basic gymnastic skills. Over the summer, she was selected for the competitive team and now practices twice a week for 2 hours. When she turns 5, she'll practice 4 hours a week. She absolutely loves it and literally eats, breathes, and sleeps gymnastics. Her coaches are very impressed with her and she's the only one in class that can do a round-off. She'll have her first meet late this year.

Bodi on the sidelines, again! Bodi loves to watch Sissy practice. The first thing he does is kicks off his shoes and tries to go out on the floor. It's literally a fight, trying to keep him off the mat. We'll probably start him in gymnastics at the beginning of the year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Action Packed Weekend

Whew, what a crazy weekend. It started Saturday.....

10:00 a.m. - Took the boys for an overdue haircut. Shoot, left the camera in the car but Bodi did great. The staff always woo over Bodi as he sits still for the cut. Emma watched as Bryan got his hair cut, or should I say shaved?

10:45 a.m. - We decide to go to Wal Mart, where Paula Deen was scheduled for a book signing. She was there signing her new kids cookbook. Byran really didn't want to go but I gave him the guilt trip. Well, who knew so many people would turn out to meet Paula? We stood in line for 2 hours. Emma and Bodi were troopers, and entertained each other in the buggy. Bodi pooped out right before we got to meet Paula and Michael, oh well. It was awesome meeting Paula and her husband and they even told us what beautiful kids we have!

1:00 p.m. - After a long nap, Emma and I went to the library. This was her first trip and she was so excited. We tried to get a card for her but she has to be 5 before she gets one of her own. Well, another thing to look forward to when she turns 5.... kindergarten and her own library card!

5:30 p.m. - In true Gisty style, we decide to take the kids to Locomotion, as if we didn't do enough today. We played games, ate pizza, and then Emma and Bryan rode the go karts. Bodi was too young to ride, so we watched from the sidelines. I was afraid that Bodi would be upset, but instead, he cheered on Sissy. He's such a sweet boy, he hardly ever throws fits and his teachers tell us he's the sweetest one in the class.

Sunday, not too much action. I took Emma to a birthday party at Jump Zone for her friend, Katie. We've been to 4-5 birthday parties in the past few weeks. Emma and Bodi have 4 this week alone, and 4 more in the next couple weeks. It's going to be busy!