Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Carnival

The kids had their Halloween carnival at school Tuesday night. Bodi went as a cow and Emma decided to be a spider. The spider costume was Bodi's from last year, we tried it on and it worked! The kids had so much fun, they had games in each classroom and of course, tons of candy. Bodi was so funny, he didn't want to go into his room and cried every time we tried to go in. I think he was afraid that we were dropping him off.
Mommy and her babies.

Emma and Bodi with their friends, sisters Caroline and Claire. Emma and Caroline have been in the same class since they were babies and now Bodi and Claire are in the same class. They are all so sweet with each other, especially Bodi and Claire.

Emma and Bodi enjoying some games.

Emma and her friend Katie.

Bodi searching for the perfect piece of candy.

The kids had a blast and we'll do it again Friday night when
they go Trick-or-Treating.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love it, they look so cute! Hope to see them today!